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Notice of Students/Graduates’ ECFMG Verification Work

来源:本站 日期:2016-12-21点击:

Notice of Students/Graduates’ ECFMG Verification Work

Wuhan University School of Medicine has gain access to the Electronic Credentials Verification Program within EMSWP, which will make the process of verifying credentials faster, easier, and more efficient. ECFMG will send future verifications electronically through the portal. The documents include Paper 327-A forms, EICS verification and EPIC verification forms.

Please notify that Form 186 for the students and graduates applying for the USMLE Steps is still required to be processed by paper.

For Electronic Credentials Verification issue, your Unique Medical School ID (Student ID Number in school) is very important for us to identify your study and degree information. All students and graduates, please remember to fill your Student ID Number in the place of “Unique Medical School ID” upon registration in ECFMG.

Wuhan University School of Medicine

December 21, 2016